I've just seen the page views since the last time I posted, and I'm so happy people have seen my blog.
I don't have a lot to update really. Other than I've recently got an electric cigarette so I can just have a cigarette whenever I have hunger pains and cravings. It also smells better than actual cigarettes and they're a healthier option! :)
My total intake for the last couple of days has been under 800 calories, but recently I've had a couple of fuck ups. My mum can't seem to grasp the concept that I don't want unhealthy food, such as Jaffa cakes (fucking Jaffa cakes, for fuck's sake parent!) and these amazing but incredibly bad for my diet, Raspberry and vanilla mini rolls. Luckily the first time when I had two mini rolls (84 calories per roll), Lauren (the awesome girl who probably directed you here) kept me sane and suggested a way to burn off the excess calories. Where would I be without her? The next time I unfortunately didn't bother. 4 Jaffa cakes at 52 calories a biscuit/cake/thingie and a mini roll. However, there is always the next day to set your diet to rights.
I think that if you go over the calorie limit you set yourself, I don't recommend that you just go overboard and full out binge. Just stop eating for the rest of the day, do a fairly decent amount of exercise and work harder tomorrow. Don't give up! :D
Well, I shall leave you lovely people to the rest of your day and thank you for taking to time to come here. As thanks, I shall leave you some thinspo. :)

Stay Strong And Get Skinny! :)